Monday, May 17, 2010

9 months ago....

9 months ago this week, our sunshine was born.  He was born without any signs of life.  We were told he wouldn't live. 

It took 18 minutes to bring him back.  His little heart failed almost as soon as it got started.  He had to be hooked to a machine to make his heart pump and his lungs to fill and empty.  His brain had been deprived of so much oxygen that doctors cooled his little head and body to prevent the damage from going further.

We were prepared to say goodbye for now, if it was God's Will.

But, The Lord said, "...not now..."

His lack of challenges make no sense to doctors.  They say he's a miracle.  Doctors who have seen everything.  His Ways are not our ways.

He crawls.  He tells the puppies to "DET! (Get!)" He "sings".  He explores.  He has reminded us that God is in control.

In my heart, my babies turning 9 months is always important to me.  They've been out in the world as long as they were growing inside of me.  This is my own little celebration.

Joaquin is 9 months.  Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness! What a blessing, what a blessing! God sure is in control and this is a BEAUTIFUL reminder of that!


    (I happened to see a comment you left on a blog and popped in for a visit!)
